Friday, November 7, 2008
Disclaimer for me!!
There are a few things you may still not know about me , which I guess is my fault cause you got in the easy way the first time round ....YES I'M TOO MUCH ....
These are some of the guidelines for knowing me, all my friends know them:-
a) when i give respect i expect to get it back
b) i don't like being ordered
c) i will give you a frank opinion when you need to hear it .. no matter what the outcome
d) i love my friends to bits and they know i'll always have their back
e) this does not exclude the fact that i will slap them in their faces when they act like asses and i expect the same from them ...
f) screw me one, twice , thrice ... the fourth time be prepared for war
g) i can be very annoying and demanding at times , but i do make up for it by being sweet, understanding and accomodating as well
h) i will always be there for anyone who really needs me all days 24*7 , but i do expect them to be there at least 24*1 in 365 days
i) don't hurt the people i care about ... i may not always fight , but i will when i need to
j) don't try and understand me .. all you'll get is a migrane or worse .. most of the times i don't understand myself or know where my life is going
k) i don't have the best advice , i make things up as i go along and try to learn from everyones experiences ... that doesn't mean that its crap either ... most times it spot on ...
l) when dealin with me .... imagine your life if i did not exist in it ...if its better, then please eliminate me from yours immediately .... i really don't wanna be responsible for screwed up lives ....
m) finally be prepared for anything when you know me... i guarantee one heck of a ride if nothing else .....
Now you think not just once ... over n over if you must before say another word ...
* disclaimer is subject to additions
Monday, August 11, 2008
What If ??? !!! ;-)

And everyone could peek and have a look…
What if little secrets, aren’t as little as they seem?
And people realise it’s a horrible dream …
What if I met a stranger today?
And find out I knew her in a different way …
What if I’m no longer who I am?
And what you see is only a sham …
What if we open doors that we always shut ?
And I wonder what we’ll find all locked up …
What if , what if is my moto these days…
What if what if is the game I play….
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Coffee Shop Boy !!!
Coffees I see were his weapons of choice…
Poor little guests, high on caffeine they are…
Unsuspecting souls, to the coffee shop power…
Caffine , more caffine please !!!!
Let me hide the deceptions in reality ..
Stories and lies and alibi’s….
Covered in choco rum ..sweet words and surprises …Coffee shop boy , I sometimes feel sorry for you …
But then I see again, you do same things with someone new …
Coffee shop boy don’t you feel bad …
Is this the kind of life you wish to have ?
Tell the truth, face the consequences of the lies..
Someday you’ll find, you’ll make the peace inside…
I know you were hurt once long ago..
So were many of us, if you need to know!!!
Its hard I realise to find your way …
When this is what you’re accustomed to these days..
Don’t you want a better life??
A freer one devoid of lies!!!
Do what you have to, to break away..
Start afresh and mend your ways…
Change your name, change your life…
Leave the city, (trust me) you’ll be alright…
I know you well, little coffee boy …
Will let you in on a secret…
I once played game of truth and lies …
PS: Don't think you can pull me back with my book... any untruth makes the rope weaker ...
Note:- This is a post that should have been uploaded in May'08 , though I don't think it makes a difference even if its late...
Monday, July 14, 2008
Losing heart to reality …..
Walking down the sub way today
She kept looking down she stared away
She’s not the girl she used to be..
Seems to be losing heart to reality...
She stands at the station
Waits for the morning train ..
The life she leads, a constant strain ..
Seems to be losing heart to reality …
The train pulls in, she pushes and jumps,
Feels like garbage now, in a garbage dump..
Shoving, choking, need air to breathe..
Seems to be losing heart to reality…
Verse 2
The people she sees
The places she goes
Face upon faces
None of them show
Murals on walls
Penned lines in old diaries
Dreams long ago
Buried secrets, for no one to know
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Answers !!!

The answers we look for, we sometimes find in the strangest places.
An epiphany they call it, sudden enlightenment in one moment
What do we do? Do we have the strength to see things we don’t want to?
How hard is the first step? Tough as hell,..right? How important is it ?
We never really understand the values of asking the small questions …
We never really it till we ask them … till we answer them honestly ….
Sometimes we realize that once they are answered ….we need to walk..
Only we can control what we feel , we need to make tough choices ….
Do we walk? we just settle for something else, other that what we hoped for? ..
Will settling be settling at all...when the day is through…do we take a chance?
Never look back .... though we turned back many times before...
When to we make these decisions? … Maybe we need to start from today..
‘Carpe Diem’ – we always wait to seize the day ….
The longer we wait …the longer we hide ….
We know its time …when we learn…
Compromise because we want …
Not because we are trained to ….
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Where happy thoughts stay...
Put on a smile and face reality...
'' Little child in me cry tonight

Drown yourself in this lullaby ..
Close your eyes and dream away
cause as dawn breaks you need to face the day...
There once was a girl who lived by herself ,
daddy and mummy of course but she needed no help ...
Strong little girl people would say ,
when she grows up , she'll go a long way ...
The poor little girl , she had to be strong ,
growing up she hoped , her prince would come along ...
She sang her heart out, when she was bored ,
she always sang, on a lonely road ...
Then one morning , her song was heard ,
10 paces between them, as they waited for a bird...
On her they flew, to an amazing place,
One lead to two, and their relationship raced ..
She knew she had finally, found her prince ,
Two forever , they've been happy since ....
Little girl, how do i tell you,

I'm sad you have to face it this soon ..
Your in the real world,
No prince outside this room ...
Hush little girl , keep dreaming away ...
I pray you die in your sleep , where the happy thoughts stay ...
Monday, May 26, 2008
Beyond Redemption
In places we were never meant to be.
A different person from who we were,
Adrift in a sea of anonymity.
Struggling with forces that will always be,
We try to change our fate.
Is there hope beyond redemption ?
Or is it just too late ?
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Friday, April 18, 2008
Paper Boats

Floated out of their puddles , far far away,
Joining different streams, they crossed various plains,
Till the mouth of the river where two met in the end.

Through day and night, on what seemed an endless ride,
But endless wasn't endless for very long,
One cloudy night, in came the storm
The winds howled and it began to pour,
And one paper boat, it suddenly tore,
The sky cleared up , and the rain it stopped,
But one paper boat was pretty messed up.

Though the other paper boat tried, it didn't want to be helped ,
So it floated by the side , made it presence felt,
Now both paper boats knew the damage was done,
Still down life's river by its side till they both are gone....
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Be the one to make the difference, don't lose yourself on the way !!!

I used to admire my cousin … she was never rich to start with, learnt the hard way …..suddenly overnight , married money …but it didn’t change her for a very long time … I can’t say that anymore and the sad part is that she sincerely believes that she hasn’t still, while anyone around her can see how she has …. I sometimes wonder if that may happen to me and I’m tryin from now not to let it…
Sometimes, we also fail to realize a lot of things ...we see the things we and our loved ones never had … and we want to give them the best … and that’s not a bad thing , but I also feel that when we give the best , we also need to give them a taste of the worst …..
My nieces have never traveled by the BEST bus …always the car … the best schools ..with horse riding , archery, swimming, etc ….I love the fact that I was in a normal school …it kept me grounded in so many ways…. Yes I would love to go horse riding and do archery, I still can …. But some things that are far more valuable to me and have shaped me are our social service trips … I still remember the look of excitement on Roshini’s face when I bought her a piece of chocolate cake …. The thankful smile on the face of the women I went to help in the field in Titwali when she was cuttin the rice …..
Recently a friend made a statement to me “why are you sittin at 2:00 am in the morning and taking this info from me …that too for the f**cking company” … I can’t really remember exactly what I said but I know I said it was important to me …
Everyone is capable of makin a difference … I only wish that the few who wanted to don’t end up losing their way….it just takes one small deed …something that really pinches you… When I said this at an innovation workshop , the trainer smiled and asked me to watch a movie- “Pay it forward” …I have …. I hope I make that same difference… I don’t care if I’m ever remember or no one knows my name…. I just want to make in difference in everything I do and I want to make people do the same.
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Alcoholic mix !!!
Misunderstood ….

I know some people think I’m not letting go
They feel I’m tryin, to run through closed doors
I don’t blame people for failing to see
Was trying to gain some ground on normality
Its hard to love and be just friends
Together today and apart next weekend
I’m sorry about what happened these days
Until now didn’t know where things stood anyway
Don’t know if its too late to make amends
But really would like it if we could be friends…

I’m walking down this road again
Alone once more, I’m on my own
I’ve traveled various paths before
But this time round, my heart's more sore
Strange how people pass you by
Strange how people change your life
It took me 4 years to find someone
Completely understood where I was comin from
Didn’t wanna walk down this path again,
But , walking once more cause we’re now just friends.
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
I’ve been a little pre-occupied lately; some might even say a little obsessed …Hmm its strange to think what heights you’re capable of reaching given the right provocation … Started reading a friends blog today … it brought back memories of days when I just lived …..
Okay so I confess, been a little stressed out lately … but after a nice episode of being caught sleep walking and talking (hey just for your info , its my first time) I’m ready to head towards normality again.
This year has been one amazing ride from the start…. Spent an amazing New Years in Goa with the best of company… but even new years night was full of surprises… confessed my heart out to someone … it scared the shit out of me , but it was worth it …. I seriously hated keeping the truth hidden for so long…
Now, when I say it was worth it .. god!! besides making me feel a little at easy, I seriously urge people --- don’t open Pandora’s Box on New Years Eve !!!
I never really understood how confusing the human species is till I met someone….scary thing is, each time I talk to that someone, I think I’m starting to understand the language of his insanity…. God Help Me!!!
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Making some experiences more worthwhile
I’m constantly learning and making mistakes
Through it all though, finding my way.
I love the things that people may hate
I love the burps and farts he makes
Never does thing, like a normal guy
Yet every action, a pleasant surprise.
A kiss by the lake, diyas hand made,
Retro in carvala, jiving the night away.
Scolding stares for a low cut dress
A pleasing smile when he’s impressed
Pushing me to strive, excel in different ways
When I’m confused always knowing what to say
I’m not sayin he’s perfect, not sayin he’s the best
But as perfect-imperfections go he’s above the rest
Friday, January 11, 2008
Today I lost a friend …. In this world so filled with deception and lies I found someone in my hour of need…. The only one who told the whole truth … I never expected to like the person so much ….. I learnt about myself, I learnt about others…. I learnt too much, someone might say… But what is learning to much? Does it make a difference? I always thought that the truth is always good …. My misconception I guess…There are two things I am sad about today…
1) I lost a friend and a mentor in a sense
2) My mentor gave up on the truth
I can’t say misconception …..I still believe in it ….and if the time comes and if I have to lose what matters to me immensely, I will …… I won’t be able to truly live if I don’t …..