Embarked upon a voyage last week,
Travelled with a sailor that day..
I’ve heard the saying, one at every port,
Sure didn’t feel that way..
Arrived at our destination,
Early in the morn..
Moments of the night before,
Still seemed to linger on..
My father had questioned me,
The sailor had done that too..
‘Twas scared of what the two might say,
Based on what they think they knew..
But pleasantries with quickly over,
Within a second or a flash of one..
All that stress over nothing,
The introduction was finally done..
Bidding farewell, we parted ways,
And to our homes we went..
Within minutes of our arrival
Messages were sent …..
Few things then were very apparent,
(We were) Either bored or missed each other like hell..
So we met that evening as we now planned
And everything went more than just well..
Best sea food dinner on beach ,
Clubbing after, into the night..
As we on back to his place,
Our arms 'round each other were tight..