“Today I’m goin off site, no more classroom…..”
“I can hear these people talking about trains … I love trains …..thank god I be seeing a real one instead of that toy that they give me ....”
“Hmm ……sooo how am I goin to worry her today …………..today she definitely won’t be able to sit down!!!”
“maybe I won’t on second thoughts …..let’s see…”
“Now that I think about it, I ‘ve put her through a lot …she still loves me though….I wonder why ????”
“ have to admit , ….seriously thought that she’d give up…..broken nose on the first day ….. she never saw that coming……..hehehehe……..”
“people for a long time have never understood me ………..I guess I just got fed up tryin to make them ……”
“They speak a different language ….and if they only left language aside, they’d see what I mean…..”
“Ohhhhhhhh nnnnooooooooo, its happening again….., not now please ……owwwwww….nnnnnoooo…..the pain ………it hurts ………….my head ……my arms….my chest ……my legs…….I can’t even cry …….I’m trembling badly …….
(Thump)- (curled on the floor)
Nnoooooooooo……….I want the pain to stop……this seizure is my worst one ever …”
“They’ll leave without me ……I always miss the good things……..I don’t want to stay here alone with the nurse……..I must just give up …..make things easier for all……”
“Maybe someone form the unit will sit with me as well………yesh ….as she would say ….what am I thinking …..who would want to sit and listen to screaming …….. I wish they understood …….sometimes I feel she does…..”
E- “ I can sit with him , catch someone from the classroom”
G- “ they are going off-site today , A is never going to spare anyone ….you know how b****y she can be at times , and even if she did , no one will volunteer to stay with ….HIM …all day”
E- “look I’m not sitting , if you want to , be my guest”
“what do they think I am …deaf ….can’t believe that they still think I don’t understand”
“ she’s coming ……she’s willing to stay !!!!!!!!.......she really is mad …..or maybe she’s the only sane one…”
“ hello mr lee….you love keeping me on my toes, don’t you , my cheeky little lump ….”
“god she’s cute…”
“owww….. owwww……….owwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww……”
“Another one……is it ever goin to stop……”
“ stu ….stu … think stu …. Come on focus on me…..
Come on stu , I know you can do it , I know its bad …. But you know I’m here …come on me little rascal…..who’s goin to worry me all day…….i’m here stu ….i’m here…..”
Singing - (Step by step we’re moving forward , little by little we’re gaining ground…………..………………………………tumblin down and down and down )
“I love that, song …. she knows it …..she knows me ……maybe there is hope ….maybe she’ll make the rest of them know me too…..maybe I’ll keep fighting ……maybe life isn’t that screwy after all………”
1 comment:
really great stuff...see, i m always the first to comment....and now plz pray that we reach home safe....
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